10 reasons you should do social dancing

I find a lot of long time dancers fall into two categories: those that are content to just do a bit of social dancing and don’t bother doing classes any more (I’ll address that in another post), and those who take classes without using it in a practical sense. Both types of dancers can have good reasons for choosing their path. (I mean, life does get in the way!) This post, however, looks at the benefits of social dancing as complementary to your regular classes.


1 – Practice what you learnt

If you only take one class a week, you’ll probably forget what you were doing, and will benefit from practice. If you are in classes every night, your head is likely to be so full of material that a little practice socially will be useful to test it things out. Either way, you win!


2 – Test things out in uncontrolled environment

Not to sound like a lab researcher, but your class environment is controlled. Your teacher will pick songs appropriate for speed of dancing something new; the follower know what they are being led into; the leader will unwittingly rely on the follower to do the movement while learning it; your partners are fairly predictable in class; it’s a familiar studio setting that can feel like a classroom. SO, going out to a social dance is like taking your new favourite car out for a drive – just do it and enjoy the ride!


3 – Dancing to new music

Your teacher will spend hours searching and preparing quality music for your classes. But there is a multitude of great music out there! If you go out you’ll come across new tracks, and maybe even something you’ll absolutely love. Don’t forget to ask the DJ what that fantastic track was! (And if you share them with your teacher, they can play your favourite songs in class for you too!)


4 – Dancing in the dark

Lighting and different surrounding can make a big difference. Sometimes change of environment and having the real social dancing world around you sparks something special. The magic of leading a lady through your ‘mojo’ moves, to great music, in some mood-lighting – that’s why we do it right?


5 – Chance to dress up and feel good about yourself

A little dress up can go a long way. Give yourself a boost. I find putting a little thought into your clothes for the night out can make for a busy night of dancing for me as a follower. I also find it irritating when people show up in a daggy old T-shirts to a night club. Pyjama dancing is for the living room! Salsa is a contact sport – so make a little effort to be ‘touchable’ on the dance floor, and people around you will appreciate.


6 – Test your leading/following

On the social dance floor, you will come across dancers from other schools. This is a great opportunity to test your leading/following skills. Guys – start out slow and easy and increase the difficulty as the song progresses. Please don’t bombard your new follower with your most complicated moves! Testing your leading out is about leading someone new into things you’re comfortable with when you dance with your regular partners. Girls – this is a chance to be led into something you’re not expecting. Connect with your guy, pay attention to respond quickly, and relax!


7 – Meet new dancers

Two years ago, one Sunday night, I really did not feel like going out. After a massive week of deadlines and juggling different projects, all I wanted to do is flop on the couch. It took a bit of self-convincing that a night of social dancing would do me good. Boy, am I glad I did? Shortly after I arrived, my friend asked me, “Have you danced with the guy from New York?”  For a NY-starved girl in Brisbane, that’s an ‘alarm bells’ moment! Spins were quick, yet effortless. There was smoothness in his lead that only comes from attention and time devoted to it. I felt like I was dancing at Taj, or at Frankie Martinez’s social! This bright young man became a part of the Mambo Frenzy team, brought a real spark to every session and became like a brother to us. All thanks to a little encouragement to go dancing!


8 – Get out of the house!

Too many people stay at home letting it become their routine! Most of us do office jobs, which means we spend all day sitting and staring at screens. That is what I call ‘brain numbing’. So get dressed, and go dancing! NOW!


9 – Seeing new combos

This might jog your memory, or get you to inquire about something you have wanted to learn. I’ve had students ask me about something they saw on the social dance floor – it means they are curious about their learning (always great!). It may also help you snap you out of a pattern that you’ve been stuck in.


10 – Getting inspired

This is very important. In class we focus on learning. Social dancing gives you the freedom to roam, watch others and absorb. There is always someone better than you, and that is brilliant! The day we become the best we stop learning. The day we think we’ve become the best is the day our potential dies. Get inspired – or re-inspired!


So the moral of the story? Use your dancing! Salsa is a social dance – first and foremost. People can learn for a skill development, or because they enjoy combination of a physical and mental coordination. But ultimately, if you observe Salsa dancers in a social setting, you’re observing them in their natural habitat. So jump in there and enjoy being with the natives! 😉


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