Private Lessons

Private Lesson in Latin Dance:

-Salsa, Mambo, Cha Cha Cha, Pachanga

-Techniques, Spins, Turning, Leading & Following, Body movement

-Other Latin styles (ask and you shall receive!)

FAQ : why do private classes?

-really focus on an area you wish to improve

-fix bad habits (We all have them!)

-fast track your progress

-have the instructor all to yourself! (Definitely worth it!)

Private lessons options:

You can book… What it’s best for… Your investment…
ONE private lesson To catch up something you missed in class, or to get more insight into a concept/combo $100
Package of FIVE lessons To delve a little deeper into techniques and to apply them to several elements/combos $450
Package of TEN lessons Can be taken up as an extension of ‘Package of FIVE lessons’ $850

Conditions:  All fees to be paid as first session. Package of FIVE lessons must be used up within 3 months of purchase. Package of TEN lessons must be used up within 6 months of purchase.

If you’d like to arrange a private lesson, contact Helen G:


m: +61 438411329